Monday, April 6, 2020

Diffusion of Innovations

When Snapchat was invented, there are a number of reasons why it spread so quickly. In my opinion, Snapchat is the most-used platform of social media today. Every teenager has it, adults have it, and even kids in middle school have it. It is a way to communicate with people that involves sending "Snaps" (pictures) to whoever you want to. You can also post to your "Snapchat Story" which anyone on your friends' list can view for 24 hours.

Picture Retrieved From: Snap Kit

I believe that it spread so quickly because it is an easy way to communicate. I also think that because there are so many fun "filters" which can be applied to someone's face or their surroundings, this draws people in even more. Another thing which can be seen as a positive is that you can see where your friends are at on the "Snapmap". You can see when they were last on their phone and where they were. This makes it a lot easier to figure out what your friends are up to without having to ask. Even though that sounds creepy, it is helpful for me personally when I'm wondering if my sister is at work or not. All I have to do is check Snapmaps and I could see that she's at work or at her friend's house.

Another positive to Snapchat is that you can personalize who gets to see what you post. For example, if I don't want my mother seeing something I post on a Saturday night, I will probably block her from seeing my story ahead of time to avoid an argument.

There are, however, many downsides to Snapchat. Someone who is too young might not be careful enough who they add to their friends' list. Not to mention, they might not make their location private. If a young girl adds a random person to her friends' list and her location is on, that person can see exactly where she is. This can be very dangerous to kids who aren't mature enough to have this app yet. 

Picture Retrieved From: The Conversation


Another down side is that it creates unrealistic images of people. For example, although some view the "filters" as a positive, it could also be considered a negative. Someone could look a certain way on Snapchat with a filter on, then look like completely different in person.

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