Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Online Presence

I do not have a very large online footprint. Since I have played sports my whole life, I have always had to be very careful what I post. Because of this, if an employer were to look at my online presence, he/she would probably not have anything to worry about. Most of my posts are sports-related somehow.

I do not have Facebook, which might be useful to get one day when looking for a job, since that social media platform is used by a typically older demographic of people. I do have Instagram and Twitter, however I don't use either very much to post. I use them more to keep up with the lives of my family and friends, especially during quarantine. If someone were to look me up online, they would probably find nothing but soccer statistics of highlight films. If someone were to look me up on social media, they would probably find soccer pictures and pictures of me with my friends and family.

Picture Retrieved From: Econsultancy 

I typically do not share my phone number or email with many sites. I used to give out my email in middle school to clothing websites and such to receive coupons online, however I stopped doing that because I ended up having way too much junk mail.

Picture Retrieved From: New York Times

In my opinion, social media sometimes constructs a standard image of women that is unfair. I would definitely say social media could make someone depressed or feel lonely. For example, if someone saw a picture posted of all of her friends except her, she would probably feel lonely and left out. If a young girls saw pictures of Victoria's Secret models on Instagram, she would probably wonder why she doesn't look like them, which is linked to having a negative self-image from a very early age. Although there are definitely many positives to social media such as staying in touch and creating opportunities for yourself, it can be a very very negative place.

Picture Retrieved From: Quora

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