Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Privacy, Online & Off

The video about license plate trackers really stood out to me. They store all this information about innocent people, which makes me believe that they are just waiting to be able to use it. The craziest part about it is that I have seen those license plate trackers in my town. I pass them pretty frequently, actually, and I don't think much of it. They took a picture of a man getting out of his car with his children on his very own driveway. To be an innocent man on your own property and have to worry about the government seeing pictures of you is insane.

The next video about telephone surveillance also stood out to me. It's crazy to think about the fact that anyone could be listening to your phone calls. I understand that it is a safety measure, and it's a price that we all have to pay if we want the government to catch the "bad guys". If the wireless connection between 2 terrorists can be intercepted, then so can the wireless connection between by me and my mother be. It also shocked me that FaceTime, WhatsApp and iMessage were the most secure. He actually encouraged people to use these things. Before I watched this video, I would have trusted a direct phone call to someone rather than a FaceTime audio call. 

In the last video, one statistic stood out to me in particular.1 in 25 women say they have been impacted by revenge porn. However, 1 our of every 10 women under the age of 30 are impacted. This all ties back to the media and the lack of privacy. It's terrible how difficult it was for her to get that man arrested. It took months of hard work, expenses, and humiliation to finally be at peace. The takeaway from this video for me, personally, was to be careful who you share things online with. Although she was not in any way at fault, we unfortunately live in a world today where women have to be extra cautious. They shouldn't wear certain things, go out alone at night, or share anything that could one day be used against them. 

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