Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Final Blog:(

I wanted to make my last blog as sort of a reflection of this past semester and what I have learned. First of all, I learned that creating and posting media is much more complicated than what I thought. I learned that having a positive online presence is crucial. Especially in the world we live in today, our future employers will definitely be looking for our social media self as well as everything else which qualifies us for the position.

I learned that I really like writing. Something that I will take from this class into my daily life is writing. At first, I felt a little uncomfortable doing "blog posts" every week. However, by the end, I actually enjoyed them. I enjoyed reading about things going on in the world, reflecting on them and writing about them. I took another class this semester called "Women in Writing" which also taught me a lot about the power of writing. I never really thought about how important words are. However, I learned that writing is such a powerful thing and, if used the write way, can create such a positive impact on the world.

A few months ago, I found out that a kid who graduated from my high school a few years before me was arrested for posing as a woman online to get young boys to send inappropriate pictures. He was sent to jail and lost his job as a volunteer basketball coach and a special needs teacher at my high school. Social media is a scary place. There is fake news everywhere. It feels impossible at times to believe anything I read on the internet.

Words, stories and writing are such powerful things that are too often taken advantage of. Although I am just one person among many who use social media, this class taught me that I have power too. We have the power to write and tell truthful stories and post valid information which people can read and actually believe. We control the future of social media and if that doesn't give everyone a strong feeling of power and excitement for what the future could potentially be, then I'm not sure what will.

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